
Net Zero, Let's Go.

Project Information
Dalkia | SEO | Work | SED Digital
Dalkia | Web Build | Work | SED Digital


For the website, we started by holding focus groups with each business division establishing what they would want to carry through from their current sites and what aspirations they had for the new one.

Dalkia | Web Build | Work | SED Digital

A key challenge from the outset was making sure that we deliver a truly sustainable digital platform. we sourced a 100% green energy data centre for hosting and applied rigorous design rules throughout the UI phase limiting image usage and data heavy components.

For the build we used React which helped simplify the coding architecture helping reduce energy consumption.

The final result is a site that captures the new vision of the group and allowing quick and efficient navigation around their significant service offering.


GTmetrix Grade
GTmetrix Performance
GTmetrix Structure

The last challenge was establishing a redirect strategy for the seamless transition from the five sites in to the new URL.

We managed the collation of every link from the existing sites and repointed them to the relevant pages on the new site ensuring a strong SEO performance and a seamless user experience.

Dalkia | UI & UX Design | Work | SED Digital

“The Dalkia website has landed very well amongst our staff and our clients, the SED team brilliantly captured our culture and vision and converted it into our new Dalkia story.”

Dalkia UK





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